Have you ever considered going to graduate school? Students choose to pursue graduate school for many reasons. Whether you want career or professional advancement opportunities, or want to know more about a particular subject, Career Services can help you take the right steps to reaching your post B-W goals!
October 4 marks the Graduate School Fair taking place at B-W. Currently, over 40 schools have signed up to attend offering a diverse set of programs. Whether you are looking to receive your MBA (Masters of Business Administration), MA (Master of Arts), MS (Master of Science), or another type of degree, the Graduate School Fair can open doors to finding the right school and program for you.
Before you come to the Fair, take part in our Graduate School Workshop Part 2 which will go over vital information regarding admission requirements, application procedures and which tests you might have to take. The workshop will be next Tuesday, September 27th in Malicky 114 from 12:10 – 1:10 pm. Career advisors will be on hand to talk about next steps and what you should do to prepare for the upcoming Graduate School Fair!
Coming to these events will also put you into a drawing to win either a Kaplan Prep Test Course for any graduate school exam compliments of Kaplan, or a free Cap & Gown, from the Career Services Office!
So come and join us for these great upcoming events! Information about the Grad School Fair can be found on the B-W Career Network. A list of schools attending can also be found on there!