Being in college doesn’t guarantee having all the answers. There may be times when you feel like you are the only person who has yet to declare a major or decide what you want to do after college, but I promise you are not alone.
According to an MSNBC article by Gayle B. Ronan, “Eighty percent of college-bound students have yet to choose a major.” Furthermore, the article goes on to say that around fifty percent of students who have declared a major can end up changing their major an additional two or three more times.
The decisions faced in college can be frustrating, and when it comes to picking the path that is right for you, Baldwin-Wallace Career Services is here to help. Don’t even know where to start? That’s okay. By coming in to Career Services and getting information for logging in, students can access a site called Discover. Through a simple online survey that you can take from the comfort of your residence hall, Discover helps to assess your interests, abilities, and values. Once completed, Discover points out career areas that may be compatible for you. It is recommended that students come in for an appointment with an advisor after completing the Discover survey. As someone who has personally utilized Discover, I can tell you that talking with someone who is trained to read your results is a great help.
Whether you are undecided, unsure, or just seeking general career advice, the advisors at Baldwin-Wallace are always willing to help you take the first (or second) step in the right direction for your future.