Being able to expect the unexpected and embrace change are good ways to go about preparing for life after college, or "the real world." Job searching, living arrangements, finances, and relationships will all have to be juggled with, but with some heads up it will all be manageable. The following articles may help you start planning for the "in between" of college and career. And don't forget, to start looking for jobs and internships now, login to the B-W Career Network.
10 Myths About Life after College
An article with a positive look at all the negatives you've heard about post-grad life
Life after College
A website with blogs and articles about life, work, money, careers, and happiness after college
How to Adapt to Life after College
A website with a step-by-step (and brutally honest) way to approach life after you graduate
Making a Successful Transition from College to Career
A "reality check" for what college has and has not prepared you for
Or make an appointment with Career Services to explore your options for post-graduation!