One of the first things every freshman student should do when coming to college is take the Discover test! The discover test is composed of several questions to help find out what someone is interested in and then helps to find an area of study based on what is most interesting to that student. I took the Discover test my second semester of my freshman year. After taking a few classes I quickly realized that Business Administration was not for me! I made an appointment with a Career Services advisor and together we went over my results and came up with an idea of what major would go along with what I was interested in. I always thought I would be a business major but after I took the test I realized I am more of a hands on person. Working with things such as financial statements did not seem as appealing to me after all. After I completed my Discover test and found a new major I began to make my four year action plan. Every student should have a four year action plan because it allows the student to see what they have already done and what needs to get done. Along with that, it comes in handy when scheduling classes. If you have your four year action plan completed then while you are registering for classes you are able to see exactly what classes you need to complete your core as well as your major and minor requirements. Jumpstart your college years by taking the discover test and making your own four year action plan!